Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Film in context...'The installation'

Film in context of installation from Nathalie Moore on Vimeo.

Here is a little preview of the film installation space. Sit, and relax...

Setting up the installation

I started setting up the installation space a couple of days before the deadline, and overall I think it worked quite well. I wanted to keep it simple so that the main focus is the film. So essentially I have tried to give my work a context;

''Since its earliest days, video has been an intensely personal medium. Artist's are attracted to its immediacy, could use a camera like a writer uses a pen.''(p.125 Rush M. 2003)

my work is a personal piece of work that doesn't necessarily inform the viewer, but gives them an experiential insight to theme of meditation seen through my perspective.

The narrative itself focuses on, internal and external space using the body as my focus

setting up installation from Nathalie Moore on Vimeo.

Rush, M., (2003) video art, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London